Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm

Today I saw this.

My mind typically goes straight to the gutter when ever allowed to do so.
So I says to myself, "Self, That logo looks more like an E.D. with a little boner than a D.E. doesn't it? And doesn't ED stand for erectile dysfunction anyway? Why yes. Yes it does."

I wonder if they created this logo before Viagra and all of their commercials gained popularity and the term E.D. became a common house hold word.

Things that make you go "HMMMMM".
That's a mouthful!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tattoo Birthday for my "SON" David Harley

Ever heard the old adage, Like Father Like Son? Well this one fits the bill.
My Son, David Harley (Yes, I really named him that.) has wanted a tattoo(s) since he was about 8 years old. He knew that waiting until he turned 18 was the only way it was going to happen. His time finally came. The session was not on his birthday, due to other commitments , but shortly afterward. I set up a session with a tattoo artist I've used in the past and have been very happy with. Neil Reitan from Tattoo Asylum hooked us up for a two person session back to back, or should I say shoulder to arm. We got a Father Son, Harley tattoo for his 18th birthday. This is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. I think he will too.

By the tattoo virgins choice, I went first.
Here was my sit in .

Best for last, what this is really all about...
My Son's birthday present, and first tattoo.
His namesake fulfilled in ink forever.

David, B.T.W. Your tattoo turned out sick!
It was really cool being a part of this with you.
It was a day I'll remember forever.
Happy Birthday Kiddo!