Monday, August 16, 2010

Tattoo Birthday for my "SON" David Harley

Ever heard the old adage, Like Father Like Son? Well this one fits the bill.
My Son, David Harley (Yes, I really named him that.) has wanted a tattoo(s) since he was about 8 years old. He knew that waiting until he turned 18 was the only way it was going to happen. His time finally came. The session was not on his birthday, due to other commitments , but shortly afterward. I set up a session with a tattoo artist I've used in the past and have been very happy with. Neil Reitan from Tattoo Asylum hooked us up for a two person session back to back, or should I say shoulder to arm. We got a Father Son, Harley tattoo for his 18th birthday. This is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. I think he will too.

By the tattoo virgins choice, I went first.
Here was my sit in .

Best for last, what this is really all about...
My Son's birthday present, and first tattoo.
His namesake fulfilled in ink forever.

David, B.T.W. Your tattoo turned out sick!
It was really cool being a part of this with you.
It was a day I'll remember forever.
Happy Birthday Kiddo!


  1. awwwwwwwwwww! happy birthday! and excellent tat's, they look great!

  2. Some bonding time getting ink...

    Great to hear from you again!

  3. OK, he has the tat.. when is taking the ride for a spin? Congratulations for raising an 18 year old who still want to hang out with the 'Old Man.'

  4. Happy Birthday! And what a great way to celebrate an important milestone like turning 18.

  5. So dad, you buying him a bike also? Seems like the thing to do.

  6. Happy B to David. Raised him right. He waited til 18. Great tat's.

  7. Best kinda Tat you can get! Happy Bday to David Harley!

  8. mq01,
    Thank you!

    Dean "D-Day",
    Thanks! It's nice to be back too.

    He can take the ride for a spin when he buys one. I'd prefer he learn on a less expensive bike.
    Thanks for the compliment. It is cool that we get along, even though we don't always see eye to eye.

    Thank you!. It was a great milestone celebration.

    Willy D,
    Nope. Already struggling to buy the car for him to get to college.
    I would though if I had the dough.

    Webster World,
    Thanks Man

    Thank you! I'll tell him he is getting happy B-day wishes on my blog too.

  9. That's awesome! I'm glad you got to have this with your son.

  10. B.B.,
    Thanks! It was most awesome doing this with the kid.

  11. Man, I wish my Dad would have taken me to get my tat. All he would have said is, "Hell no son! I'm not going to hell with you. How can you defile your temple!"

    You know what? This will be a lifetime memory. I have a bunch of additions I want to do just need to find the money to do it!

    Happy B-Day!

  12. FLHX Dave,

    Thanks, It will be a lifetime memory. Regarding the money, Yeah, It was a financial sacrifice. But something I really wanted to do with him. I had to dig deep to make it happen. I even dug into my own personal fun money stash to help support the cause. I guess that's only fair though since I got inked too.

  13. Man that is a real memory maker there. I mean, how many father sons do this at the same time. It's sorta a birthday present for the both of you. Happy Birthday to David.

  14. WooleyBugger,

    Thanks for droppin me a comment. and wishin my kid a happy B-day. It was a cool momentous moment I'll never forget.


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