Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm

Today I saw this.

My mind typically goes straight to the gutter when ever allowed to do so.
So I says to myself, "Self, That logo looks more like an E.D. with a little boner than a D.E. doesn't it? And doesn't ED stand for erectile dysfunction anyway? Why yes. Yes it does."

I wonder if they created this logo before Viagra and all of their commercials gained popularity and the term E.D. became a common house hold word.

Things that make you go "HMMMMM".
That's a mouthful!


  1. bwhahahahah! E.D. was the first thing I thought of! It give new meaning to the phrase "decorating the ceiling" party! yeah!

  2. "That's a mouthful"....

    Maybe for some of you but I don't swing that way.

  3. I saw you won the motorcycle award from Online Schools.. I did too.. I hope you realise it´s just spamming for placing a link to Online Schools to your site.. it has absolutely nothing to do with motorcycles except placing that link which advertise for online schools..


Comments with links will be deleted, so do not even bother. Hiding a link in your name will not work either.
No one rides for free.