Sunday, September 19, 2010

As promised, here are the photos from the Kiss concert.

This is only 22 of over 80 some pictures, but I picked some of the coolest to share with you.
As KISS proclaims to be the greatest band on earth, they clearly put on one of the greatest shows on earth.

Wow, What a Trip!

From her on out, I'm just gonna let the pictures do the talking on this one.



  1. Wow...never seen KISS. Looks like a hell of a show!

  2. Pretty cool! They'll be here in the Salt Lake City area tomorrow night..I may not quite old enough to be a real fan like you ;) LOL!, but I still wish I was going(I'm still pretty old). Nice pics!

  3. ohh, I'm jealous!
    I'd love to go see them myself one day, it looks great!

  4. I'll bet that was good. Never been to one. I know folks that have and they said it was great.

  5. "I want to Rock and roll all day and party every night" That was a hit when I was clubing but my body said "Oh no you won't."

  6. Very cool! I recently went to a Masters of Rock show; Wishbone Ash, Uriah Heep and Deep Purple live - what a show! Would definitely go and see Kiss. I also enjoyed the story and pics on your last post, great to travel and talk crap with some good friends on a road trip, nothing much can beat that.

  7. I never was a KISS fan until later on in life. Funny, but I really like them now! How fun and great pics you took!


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