Monday, October 25, 2010

WTF I have NFC what this means.

Anybody have a clue?


  1. I'm thinking the last part GMA stands for grandma, but I can't for the life of me figure out the first part.

    Maybe Gary's right... Grandma's ARE wearing thongs these days. Bwawahahahaha!

  2. I think Gary has it right...well, at least it made me laugh. Maybe ladyR helped solve it with "Useles thong give flossing to gradma's massive ass."

    The only thing I could come up with is "Utah(UT) Girl Friend Got Mormon Ass"

    Ok...What it might really mean is this; "Universal Trade Global Forum-Grocery Manufacturers Association"

  3. I have No F'in Clue either...I'm looking.

  4. The kids initials. I can't make anything out of it.


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