Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gettin ready to do some air brushing

For those of you who have checked out my paint blog, I'm sure you've seen these pictures; but for those who have not, this is a tank I painted. This is what a flame job lay out looks like in the masked off stage as it gets ready for some airbrushed color.

Remember the Titan Sidewinder frame I posted a while back? More of that bike to come soon. Hopefully will have another post of some of that work in a couple of weeks.


  1. I don't think that I'd have the patience to do all that.
    You are truly an artist.

  2. I agree with D-Day. I've seen people this and there's no way I would have the patience (or skill?) to do that. And whilst I think there are way to many bikes with flames, I do respect the craftsmanship that goes into it.

  3. Thanks Dean and Twitch! The compliment is much appreciated.

    It's not so much patience as it is very relaxing. I'm in the shop listening to tunes, drinking beer, and doing what I love. Best part is I get to see something really cool hapen before my eyes during each step, and knowing I did it makes it even better. Then to top it off, people pay for it. What's not to love?

  4. Where the hell is your paint blog? Very cool, I have been thinking about breaking out my airbrush again. I want to paint something on the glide.

  5. pfffttt...I never look at the stuff on the right it!

  6. Or you could click on the giant green Kulass Speed shop Paint logo at the top of my page.

  7. Mr. M... I know we're both very happily married, but... I wish you were my hubby so I could tell you to paint my bike for me... cause I said so! lol!

    Great job! I'm really wanting to do something with my Glide, just trying to get the funds free to do it. arrgh.

  8. Baron, Thank you!

    Lady R.,
    I'm flattered! BTW, When and if you are ever ready to take that big leap and do the paintwork, you could have all of your tins shipped round trip usually for less than $200.00, with insurance on USPS shipping. That's not much in the scheme of things. If you were ever interested, I'd love to paint your tins for you. We can always negotiate a good buddy discount. Shoot me an e-mail if you are interested in figuring out a price.


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