Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Riding weather comming soon? Nope........I don't think so.

We've had so much snow this year!

Unlike winters passed, we haven't really seen the deer in our back yard.

I think the snow was so deep the deer must have actually been burried in it........

Up until now that is.
I think summer is finally on it's way, because we can now see the deer moving about again.

Yep, Won't be long now!

Coming soon to a neighborhood near me: Riding weather! NOT!


  1. Could be worse.........well maybe not.

  2. I guess I will stop complaining about the little ice and snow North Texas has been getting.

  3. I cannot tell a lie and guess I should have done a disclaimer on this picture. It is not really my back yard. We do not really have that much snow here, but some days it sure feels like it!

  4. I'm feeling your pain. We just got another 10" or so. It kills me chatting with friends in the lower warm states.

  5. You had me going there for a while...good one..but you haven't seen snow yet. I'll posting a snow thingy over the weekend

  6. I'm dead tired walking in a foot of snpw.

  7. GTFOH!

    Damn, I thought *WE* hadda lotta snow here in The Bowels this winter! At its best it was thigh-high on short, dumpy, stumpy, lil' ol' me.

    Hell, I'd be neck-deep in the stuff if that were MY backyard.


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