Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"F" P.C. .... Merry Christmas!

Since I don't post every day, I didn't want to pass up this opportunity to wish each and every person who stumbles across this blog, or goes to it deliberately a "MERRY CHRISTMAS"!

This post was inspired as all posts are by something. That something was a Facebook post that a friend of mine from childhood did.

She said "I celebrate Christmas so feel free to say 'Merry Christmas!' to me without worry of offense. "

I replied to her as follows:

"People who get offended by hearing Merry Christmas (even if they don't celebrate it, or aren't Christian) are over reacting. In fact, I don't think many people actually take offence. I think more people worrying about being pollitically correct (businesses etc.) worry about it more than a non-Christian does. I'm guessing that roughly 75% of the American population is Christian. So those who are actually offended need to get over it. I'm not Jewish, but if someone said Happy Hanukkah to me, it wouldn't offend me. I don't partake in going out and trick or treating any more now than my children are older. And it doesn't offend me when someone says Happy Halloween. Hell, other than the really cute little ones on Halloween, the holiday in general with teenagers not even dressed in costumes, begging for free candy really actually bugs me. My point being; Me thinks people go a wee bit too far with the pollitically correct bullshit. Even if someone isn't Christian, take the phrase "Merry Christmas" in the spirit of the holiday season as a well wish, kind of like "Good morning". It's certainly not something you should take offense too. I can guarantee you any Christian wishing another person well wishes around the holiday season means no offense to any one when they say "Merry Christmas" to you.So yes, Sarah, Merry Christmas to you and yours."

And to all my readers. Merry Christmas to you.



A passion for all things motorcycles is an addiction. Like all other addictions, it cannot be cured, only treated.

There is only one true way to treat that addiction and it is to ride like the wind.

The rest of our passion pacifiers can only subdue and help to soothe the agaony of when we are not able to ride.

-Mark Brachmann-

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wicked Inquisition . Sun Flight . Live ....... 2 minutes and 38 seconds.

The band was obviously way better live than the sound you will hear here. This was just a low budget video recorder.
My kid, David Harley Brachmann plays in the band. He is the guitarist with the silver Fender Stratocaster and the Metallica T-shirt. The post title portion that says 2 Minutes and 38 seconds does not refere to the length of anything, it is where you need to get to in their Sun Flight Live video if to hear nothing more than him wail out one sick F'ing solo. It may be short, but it sure is SWEET. "I'm not biased at all." The kid rocks. The band rocks. They also have plenty of other tracks and vids on YouTube. Check em out. They are Wicked Inquisition. One of my favorites is their namesake song they wrote called Wicked Inquisition. You gotta check this one out. They also have a cool Vid called White Stallions. Live. In it, the drummer does a wicked solo. The band members are young and have a ways to go, but I have a feeling they will go nowhere but up. They are truly a bunch of talented dudes. I wish them all the the best of luck in the world.

Hopefully they can make something out of this band.
Keep rockin guys.
One of your biggest fans.
Yeah, You know who.
Check out their links to hear them play on YouTube.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A foretaste of a feast to come.

The project is a Titan Sidewinder that was in an accident.

The frame was sent out and professionally straightened and re-welded. This gave the owner a good excuse for a completly new custom paint job. That post will come in the future.
For now, let's focus on th frame.

I started by sanding and feathering all the edges from grinding and welding.

I used body filler to smooth out the welds in the obvious areas.

I plugged and masked off any holes, so primer, paint and clear coat wont fill in threads etc.
Everything was sanded, feathered out, and scuffed for tooth (adhesion).

The frame was then primed.
Then the primer was all sanded smooth as a baby's bottom.
(Notice my shop helpers)
There was 2 cats out here too, but the second ran back into the house before I could snap off a picture.
Straining the paint after the frame was blown off, wax and grease removed, and tack clothed.
Spraying the basecoat
Base coat applied
Clearcoat applied
Bright and shiny. Close up showing how nice smoothed out welds look.
Hard to see the paint overspray in my Beam & Coke.
Now that's just extra flavor for a High Life Man.

Can't ride. Too much snow. Got some new ink though.

Some pain in the form of ink helps ease one's mind from the pain of not being able to ride.

The bike is also finally in getting some engine work done. I WILL NOT WAIT to ride in the springtime because of mechanical issues. That Damn top end knock is finally getting serviced.

Anyway; here are a couple of tattoo redos, and a new one to boot.

The Old Spider and BLOB Web.

The new Spider and Cob web

The new HD tattoo I just got

The new HD tattoo I just got made even better

The kids

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Straight from the gutter

I captured a picture of this road sign while on my travels. I've driven by it many times. It's on my way to and from the corporate office and training center that I am required to travel to sometimes several times a year for business. It's a long drive. The mind plays tricks. Then again with or without many miles under my belt, and road hypnotism setting in, my mind naturally gravitates to the weird, twisted, or demented, and yes, usually straight to the gutter.

So here's the sign.
Before you scroll down past the first picture. Think about this one.
What words pop into your head?
Then scroll down to see what I see.

Notice the exit number as well.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Corey Miller

Corey Miller is a famous tattoo artist.

He is the owner of Six Feet Under tattoo shop, and currently on LA Ink as an ex-employee of Kat Von D's High Voltage Tattoo, and is working for Craig Jackman at American Electric.

Corey Miller's talent is friggin mind blowing. I love Tats, and I really love his artwork.

BTW. Corey rides a Custom. How fitting.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

As promised, here are the photos from the Kiss concert.

This is only 22 of over 80 some pictures, but I picked some of the coolest to share with you.
As KISS proclaims to be the greatest band on earth, they clearly put on one of the greatest shows on earth.

Wow, What a Trip!

From her on out, I'm just gonna let the pictures do the talking on this one.
